If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. I have said these things to you so that my joy will be in you and your joy will be complete. This is my commandment: love each other just as I have loved you.
John 15:10–12
LYNC Coalition Events in Charlotte
LYNC Hospitality Room - Hilton Garden Inn
Every Day / 508 E M.L.K. Jr Blvd, Charlotte
Snacks, livestream viewing, craft market, jigsaw puzzles, fellowship, chair massage, pet therapy, prayer room.
Stop by the hospitality room for a break, a snack, or just to say hello to the LYNC team! -
Intercultural Communication Training
Daily: April 23 - May 1 at 10:00 AM.
Hilton Garden InnAll LYNC volunteers are asked to attend Intercultural Communication Training daily at the Hilton Garden Inn (Dogwood Room C). Take advantage of this opportunity to learn the building blocks of productive communication with persons from different cultural contexts. Avoid common pitfalls that create barriers to building our future together.
Open to all. -
World Wide Craft Market
10:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. - Hilton Garden Inn
Shop crafts brought by delegates from around the globe with the proceeds going to mission work in their home countries. Sponsored by the LYNC International Hospitality Committee and United Women of Faith of Charlotte. All sales are cash only.See a sample of items at www.WorldWideUMCCraftMarket.com
International Worship and Love Feast
Sunday - April 21 - 4:30 - 8:00 p.m. / First UMC 501 Tryon Street, Charlotte
Gather for a time of worship and connection focused on international delegates followed by a meal and fellowship. (Yes! There will be rice!)
Gather Online during General Conference
The Young Prophets Collective is partnering with LYNC, RMN, and Resist Harm to offer affirming community and to hold space for LGBTQIA+ United Methodists and allies online during the General Conference.
United Methodists from around the connection are invited to their virtual campus, “Church of the Young Prophets.” on Gather Town during the General Conference to receive pastoral care, chat, and process with other LYBTQIA+ United Methodists and allies. There will also be social events.
Get connected to YPC with this form, or email YoungProphetsCollective@gmail.com. They will send you schedule information and more details!
LYNC Multicultural Celebration BBQ
Sunday - April 28, 12:30-4:00 / First UMC, 501 Tryon Street, Charlotte
Food! Dancing! Singing! Fellowship! Join us for a free lunch and live music as we celebrate the diversity of our cultures and the joy of community!
Take a break from General Conference to enjoy music, fellowship, and North Carolina Barbeque and other food (including rice!) on the plaza outside of First UMC.Help us plan for the event by letting us know you’re coming using this form.
Reconciling @ Rí Rá: an RMN Fundraiser
Sunday - April 28 - 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. / 208 N Tryon St., Charlotte, NC
Halfway through General Conference 2024, come lift your spirits! Celebrate & support the Reconciling movement with RMN at Rí Rá Irish Pub, where there will be a chorus concert, beer & hymns, fun and games, and more.
Sending Forth & Commissioning Service
Saturday - May 4 - 9:30 a.m.
First UMC 501 Tryon Street, CharlotteGather for a time of giving thanks, saying goodbye, and sending forth into the next phase of the work for justice and inclusion in the church and the world.
Fellowship Gathering at The Market at 7th Street
Monday - April 22 - 4:30 - 8:00 p.m. / 224 East 7th Street
Gather for a time of fellowship and food at this public market food court. The lively mix of food, drink, and retail offers a variety of local and global fare as well as hand-crafted goods. Explore our vendor page and find your new favorite dish today. (Self-Pay)
Near 1st UMC and on the light rail line!
themarketat7thstreet.com -
Earth Day Vigil for Creation
Monday - April 22 - 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. / First UMC 501 Tryon Street, Charlotte
The day before General Conference begins in Charlotte, North Carolina is Earth Day. We will gather at 7 pm ET at First UMC Charlotte and online for a special evening worship service featuring Dr. Musa Dube, scholar of African Eco-feminisms.
Greenfaith Charlotte Divestment Protest at BofA
April 23: 10:30 a.m.
Uptown CharlotteJoin Greenfaith Charlotte for a fossil fuels divestment action at Bank of America, co-sponsored by Fossil Free UMC and UM Cration Justice Movement.
Meet across the street from Bank of America at 100 N. Tryon Street
Let us know you're coming to the Sunday, April 28 Celebration and Barbecue!
This event is open to anyone, and there will be a free-will offering to offset the cost. But you can help with the planning by letting us know you plan to come!