Your Support Makes Our Witness Possible!
We need your help to meet our $130,000 goal for the Love Your Neighbor Coalition (LYNC) witness in Charlotte for General Conference! Through the generosity of inidividuals, churches and organizations across the connection we have raised $119,000 and with your donation we will be one step closer to meeting our goal.
Your donation fuels the LYNC Hospitality and Action Center for community building, an International Craft Market supporting global artisans, and translation services ensuring effective communication. LYNC is hosting globally-centered worship and meals to celebrate diversity and unity. Your contribution also funds scholarships, promoting inclusivity by enabling underrepresented youth and BIPOC individuals to participate in the witness opportunities. LYNC volunteers are in Charlotte sharing God’s love and building relationships with Methodists from around the world. A sustained online and social media presence keeps supporters informed before and throughout the General Conference.
Help support LYNC’s powerful and resonant witness at the General Conference, advancing the conversation on full inclusion, equality, and acceptance within the denomination.